How to set up Advanced Accounting

How to set up Advanced Accounting

TSS Accounting Introduction

      TSS provides a basic accounting package for all users. Use of this accounting package is optional, and is disabled by default; however it may be enabled at any time. Once enabled the Accounting package will track every TSS transaction and provide several accounting reports, including a General Ledger, Accounts Receivable Ledger, Accounts Payable Ledger, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and others. Every accounting transaction record includes a timestamp and the current user, making it possible to accurately track every transaction.

      The accounting package allows linking each of your work stations to a cash drawer so that you may track each cash transaction to the work station, cash drawer, user, and time recorded. You may also quickly determine the exact amount of cash that should be in each of your cash drawers at any time during your business day. A cash drawer reconciliation worksheet is provided to aid in your End of Day cash out. Also an easy to use setup wizard is provided to insure complete and accurate initial accounting records.

What happens when Accounting is enabled? 

     When you enable accounting in TSS additional menu items, forms, and reports become available. These menu items and forms allow you to record the data necessary to keep your Accounting accurate and current. No changes are made to any of the non-accounting TSS forms so that users won't have to relearn procedures, and if you decide to disable Accounting all your normal data will be intact.

What extra steps do I have to take if Accounting is enabled?

     First of all, you must insure that the initial information you provide to The Accounting Setup Wizard is complete, accurate, and current. It is recommended that you review all your Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable records in TSS and do a physical count of your inventory immediately prior to enabling Accounting. This will insure that you start out your accounting with the right data.

    Secondly, garbage in results in garbage out. Therefore you must insure that every transaction is recorded in TSS. This includes transactions such as bank deposits, transfer of cash from one cash drawer to another, receipt of invoices for accounts payable, etc. TSS will do all the accounting processing for you, but you must tell it what is happening.

What else should I consider?

     If you already are using accounting software and are satisfied that it suits your needs you probably should not enable TSS Accounting.

Enabling TSS Accounting

     To enable TSS Accounting open the Application Settings Dialog by clicking on the Application Settings button at the left of the tool bar at the top of TSS. Then click 'Bookkeeping' on the left panel of the dialog. Next on the right panel click the button 'Enable Advanced Accounting'. CAUTION: If Advanced Accounting has already been set up on your TSS the button will read 'Disable Advanced Accounting'. Clicking the button at this point would disable Advanced Accounting and all accounting data would be lost.

Disabling TSS Accounting

    To disable TSS Accounting open the Application Settings Dialog by clicking on the Application Settings button at the left of the tool bar at the top of TSS. Then click 'Bookkeeping' on the left panel of the dialog. Next on the right panel click the button 'Disable Advanced Accounting'.  Note: If TSS Accounting has not yet been enabled the 'Disable Advanced Accounting' button will not be visible. CAUTION:  Disabling Advanced Accounting will delete all current accounting data.



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