Content Web Services API
Access to the InstallerNet Content web services requires authentication. You will receive a username, password and application ID from InstallerNet.
WSDL & SOAP Endpoints:
Document Literal:
RPC Encoding:
JSON Endpoint:
Binary Message Endpoint:
The SOAP and JSON endpoints can be consumed by utilizing native solutions for your chosen platform, such as SOAP web services in .NET. You may also choose to use the free RemObjects Client SDK for .NET, available at, to connect to the supported endpoints, including the more optimized binary message endpoint.
Samples: This C# sample illustrates the principles of displaying a fit guide that allows the user to select a vehicle, see vehicle details and matching parts. This Delphi sample illustrates the principles of displaying a fit guide that allows the user to select a vehicle, see vehicle details and matching parts.
Service Request Flow:
vtUserServices.Login23 - used to login and retrieve a “sessionid” for all subsequent calls. All future calls should handle invalid/expired sessions by logging in again in the event those errors occur.
vtUserServices - This service module contains the authentication methods.
vtVehicleServices - This service module contains methods to return vehicle details
vtProductServices - This service module contains methods to return product details