How do I add inventory in TSS

How do I add inventory in TSS

To add a new inventory item in TSS go to the inventory section and then click New.

Make and Model: These are required fields and must be a unique combination to identify this item in the system. TSS also reserves specific makes for non-standard items, see table below.

Reserved non-standard inventory makes

LABORUsed for labor line items, totals under the labor section of invoice, bases price levels on item record.
SUBLETUsed for sublet line items, totals under the sublet section of invoice, bases price levels on item record.
OTHERUsed for other line items, totals under the other section of invoice, bases price levels on item record.
MISCUsed for misc line items, totals under the misc section of invoice, bases price levels on item record.
TAXUsed to charge additional Tax amounts not covered under the standard tax section of application settings.

Bar Code: Use this field to record an item's UPC sku number, once assigned it can be used to quickly pull the item up on invoices. If you have a bar code scanner we recommend scanning the item here to assure a correct match. Note that many items may contain 2 or more bar codes and it is important to use the proper sku, and not the serial number here.


Class and Category: These allow you to track your inventory items in major/minor groupings. Typically we recommend to use Class for major groupings, such as Auto, Home, Marine, etc. Category for minor groupings, such as Amps, Decks, Receivers, ect. Once assigned you will be able to break down items by these groupings on reports and search screens.


Description: This is used for a short description of the item to inform the salesperson and customer about the item. This will show by default on the invoice and the item search/browse screens.


Location: This is used to enter a short description of where the item stock is typically located.


Force Serial Number:  This is used to flag the item as a force serialized item. When enabled this requires each individual quantity to be assigned a unique serial number when its received or sold. This assists in tracking hi-value items with detailed item history based on its serial number. This can only be toggled on or off when there are not existing quantities on hand for this item in the system.


Active Item: This is used to deactivate items that are no longer carried in stock. This prevents it from showing on normal browse/search screens and reports, while still keeping its history.


Bulk Item: This is used to flag the item as a bulk item. This allows you to order an item by a bulk quantity, and sell it as individual units. For example speaker wire or window tint that is ordered in bulk rolls and sold by the foot. For a more detailed description of how bulk items work please click the following link. How do I work with bulk items


Pricing: This is used to enter the items pricing. Cost is used for ordering and calculating profitability. Cost is hidden on this screen to users without permission to update the item. Online, Jobber, Dealer, System, and Retail prices are tiered levels used for corresponding invoice types and price discounting. List can be used for a reference price level to help show savings to the customer.


Current Quantities: This area shows the current stock levels for this item, based on quantities received and sold.


Stock Levels: This section is used to help calculate when the item needs to be re-ordered. For example if a max stock of 10 is entered with a re-order point of 2, when the system gets down to 2 items it will inform you to order 8 more to get back to the max stock of 10. This calculation is shown on the inventory screen, as well for all items on the purchase advice report.


Vendors: This area is used to assign the default vendors the item is ordered from.

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