In consideration of using TSS as your POS system, please go through the following steps.

In consideration of using TSS as your POS system, please go through the following steps.

  1. Confirm your computers meet with hardware recommendations at best and minimum requirements at worst. The good server computer is important to the overall performance of TSS. Click on this link for hardware recommendations. http://wiki.installernet.com/display/PUBLIC/TSS+XP+Hardware+Requirements+and+Recommendations
  2. Download the TSSXP demo. Click on this link for instructions
  3. Watch all videos shown in the welcome screen that comes up when you first open TSS.
  4. Collect as much of the following data, in excel format, to import into TSS. Inventory(Product lists from Vendors and/or files from your current POS), employee information, customer information and dealer information. 
  5. Visit our Wiki at wiki.installernet.com to view our FAQ’s section to learn more about commonly used functions of TSS.