PHP Example

PHP Example

Below is a simple example using PHP to login to the content service and display the list of makes. Be sure to use soap.wsdl_cache_enabled to cache the WSDL as it is very large.


function getSessionId(){
    $soapclient_options = array(); 
    //$soapclient_options['proxy_host'] = ""; 
    //$soapclient_options['proxy_port'] = "8888"; 
    $loginService = new SoapClient("http://contentservices.installernet.com/vtt/2.0/unencrypted/vttechnician20_unen.dll/SOAP?service=vtUserServices", $soapclient_options);    
    // Build Login Request
    $params = new stdClass;
    $request = new stdClass;

    $request->ApplicationID = "79483C46-2637-45F1-9209-573DDF985BFC";
    $request->Username = "{username}";
    $request->Password = "{password}";
    $request->IPAddress = "{end user IP Address}";
    $request->ApplicationVersion = "";
    $request->HTTPReferrer = "";
    $params->LoginRequest = $request;
    // Login
    $response = $loginService->Login23($params);
    if (!$response->Result)
        throw new Exception('Unable to login .');

    return $response->LoginResult->SessionId;    

function getMakes($_sessionId){
    $soapclient_options = array(); 
    $vehicleService = new SoapClient("http://contentservices.installernet.com/vtt/2.0/unencrypted/vttechnician20_unen.dll/SOAP?service=vtVehicleServices", $soapclient_options);    
    // Build Request
    $params = new stdClass;
    $params->SessionId = $_sessionId;
    $params->RetailerId = {retailerid};
    // Get Makes
    $response = $vehicleService->GetRetailerVehicleMakesDown($params);

    return $response->MakeList->vtVehicleMake;

try {
    $sessionId = getSessionId();
    $makes = getMakes($sessionId);
    foreach ($makes as $value) {
        $make = $value->Make;
        echo "Value: $make\n";

catch (SoapFault $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();
